Author: MAIA Master


First edition of the MAIA has started!

The first edition of the MAIA started at the beginning of September in Le Creusot. A total of 16 students from 12 different countries start this new adventure! Best of luck to all of them!    ...


Self Funding Enrollment

Although the deadline for applying for Erasmus Mundus scholarships is over, you can still enroll MAIA as a self-funded student. Applications are back on-line! You don't need to re-apply if you already have applied for Erasmus Mundus grants. Contact us for more info on self-funding...


Notification of Selection Results

Notification of the selection results has been sent to all applicants. You will receive an e-mail about the outcome of your applications. Congratulations to the selected students!...


Deadline Extended

Deadline Extended! In order to allow you updating the very last final documents, we agree to extend the submission deadline a week, until 12th February midnight (GMT+1). This is final! no other extensions will be granted....


2 Days left!

  2 Days LEFT! This Friday is the last day for submitting an application for Erasmus Mundus Scholarships! We will have 3 grants for EU students and 13 for non-EU (including specific targeted regions). See the application menu for applying!...


18 Days Left!

Remember that the application deadline for an Erasmus Mundus Scholarship for the MAIA is Friday 5th February! Check the Application menu for more information


Online application!

Online application is now open! Check all the needed information and documents on the application menu. Applications will be open until JANUARY 15  2016 for those applying for an Erasmus Mundus grant. Self funding students will have more time: APRIL 29, 2016 (for non-EU) and JUNE 24,2015 (for...


New Web page!

We are proud to announce a new web page for the MAIA! Let us know what do you think in Facebook or twitter!...