
Seminar “Computer Aided Surgery and Medical Robotics” by Prof. Alicia Casals

Computer Aided Surgery and Medical Robotics’ Seminar:

The researcher Alícia Casals of the UPC, Universitat Politécnica de Catalunya – BarcelonaTech, Barcelona will give the talk Computer Aided Surgery and Medical Robotics)” on:


* Monday 6th November from 9-12h (Classroom PII-01)
* Monday 11th November from 9-12h (Classroom PII-01)

Wednesday 15th November: Research labs session (more technical visit) from 3pm to 5pm and practice in the teaching lab with the haptic devices from 5pm to 7pm by Prof. Alicia Casals (Universitat Politécnica de Catalunya – BarcelonaTech, Barcelona)